Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A clockwork orange

A clockwork orange is a rather interesting movie to say the least, there are really no words to describe it.  Stanley Kubrick is either creative or sick, even though it is based off a book, it made me wonder who made up this story.  The main character in the story Alex, was one sick human being and didn't seem to mind it.  Raping women, hitting people in the nuts, and just doing about anything he wanted to do.  One had to know that he had it coming when he got arrested and I think getting drugged wasn't enough.  Even though the government used him to their advantage, one had to know it would not last.  As we figured out in the end, the brain washing was not going to last.  The movie was different then most and if that is the future, then society is going to be in a very bad place.  Some aspects were a little hard to take, I've seen the Shining and Full Metal Jacket and they were both interesting in there own way.  This movie just showed the evil side to people and that people are capable of anything, this movie took it to the extreme.

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