My assigned film was “Metropolis” directed by Fritz Lang. It was released in 1927 and is a science fiction German expressionist film. The film takes place in the future of 2026 amidst a social crisis between workers and owners in a capitalist society. The owners enjoy the futuristic city of convenience and luxury ran on the backs of the poor workers that live underground. Mistakenly the son of a wealthy owner, Freder, discovers the underground world and the terrible living conditions of the workers. Freder then abandons his entitled existence and joins the oppressed workers in a revolt, against the owners and technology that controls their lives.
The films main theme is the conflict between the working class and the repressive social controls of the wealthy. In this case the use of technology is the repressive social control. I think Fritz Lang uses this film to comment on the abuse of technology as well as a cautionary to expedited technological development. Also, it demonstrates that no advancement goes without sacrifice, and in this case it is the sacrifice of people. Furthermore, being a German expressionist film, it could be negatively commenting on the beliefs of the futurists, who celebrate technology, force, power, machine aesthetic, and industry.
I did like this film. I thought it was an interesting concept and the special effects were great considering the time period this film was produced. The action was relatively fast paced which I liked and it had an emotional component as well. I can see why it was a pioneer of its time.